Community Services Block Grant

As a community action agency created by the federal government in 1964 to combat poverty in a geographically designated area, we receive the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG), which is administered by the state and provides core funding to reduce poverty, revitalize low-income communities and to empower low-income families to become self-sufficient.

CSBG is a federal, anti-poverty block grant which funds the operations of the central management and core activities of the agency.  The funding supports projects that:

  • Lessen poverty in communities
  • Address the needs of low-income individuals including the homeless and the elderly
  • Provide services and activities addressing employment, education, better use of available income, housing, nutrition, emergency services and health

With the support of CSBG funding, we work to achieve the following goals for low-income individuals:

  • Increased self-sufficiency
  • Improved living conditions
  • Ownership of and pride in their communities
  • Strong family and support systems

We increase our capacity to achieve results by working together and creating partnerships among supporters and providers of complimentary services.  These partnerships play a large role in the successful implementation of our CSBG grant.

Better Living Logan

Better Living Logan serves diabetic applicants, pre-diabetic applicants, and liquid diet dependent applicants who are in need of nutritional meal replacement drinks. This project will provide applicants with access to nutritious meal options, assist in lowering A1c, help provide food security, and promote self-sufficiency.


Brandi Browning
Community Services Director
304-752-6868 ext 320

Funding Sources

HHS Poverty Guidelines for 2024

WV Development Office—Community Advancement & Development