Senior Programs

The Older Americans Act of 1965 is the federal level initiative aimed at providing comprehensive services for older adults.  Also known as Title III; the Older Americans Act provides funding for nutrition, supportive home and community-based services, disease prevention/health promotion services, and elder rights programs.  All people 60 years and older are eligible for services.

Senior Nutrition Sites

Our Senior Nutrition sites, which are located at Logan, Lorado and Mill Creek provide seniors with the following:

  • meals that comply with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and provide a minimum of one-third daily recommended dietary allowances
  • center based activities, exercise and travel opportunities
  • transportation to and from center
  • socialization
  • entry point for other supportive services

Home Delivered Meals Program

The Home Delivered Meals program is designed to provide meal service for those seniors who are homebound and/or disabled and unable to cook.  The program delivers at least five meals per week that comply with USDA nutritional guidelines and requirements.  Not only does the home delivered client receive a hot nutritious meal but they are also contacted throughout the week with our telephoning service.  The spouse of an eligible participant or a disabled person living with an eligible participant, regardless of age, also is eligible to participate in the program if receiving the meal is determined to be in the best interest of the participant.  Unfortunately, when the demand for home delivered meals exceeds our budget, we will place the applicant on a waiting list for service.  It is important that you place your name on the waiting list as soon as you qualify for the service.

Donations are very important because government funding does not cover the entire cost of the meals.  When you enroll, the Home-Delivered Meals program suggests a contribution per meal based on your monthly income.  Although contributions are greatly appreciated, eligible persons will not be denied a meal because they are unable or unwilling to contribute.

Support Services

PRIDE provides opportunities for health screenings, health education services and other services related to the health and well-being of seniors.


PRIDE provides a means of transportation to seniors who require assistance to and from our senior centers.  We also provide regularly scheduled transportation to and from local shopping centers, grocery stores and pharmacies.

In-Kind Donations

PRIDE Community Services, Inc. Senior Programs gratefully accepts the following In-Kind donations:

  • Lotions
  • Toothbrushes
  • Denture Cream/Cleaner
  • Denture Adhesive
  • Depends/Adult Diapers
  • Tena Flush Wipes
  • Toothpaste
  • Craft Supplies
  • Body Wash
  • Deodorant
  • Volunteers

If you are willing to assist with any of these, please contact In-Home/Senior Services, Kathy Stidham at 304-752-6868 ext. 337 or at


Kathy Stidham
In-Home/Senior Services Director
Phone: 304-752-6868 ext 337

Senior Services Brochure

Funding Sources

Department of Health & Human Services Administration on Aging

West Virginia Bureau of Senior Services


Americans with Disabilities Notice

Useful Links

WVSU Metro Area Agency on Agency

West Virginia Senior Care

Meals on Wheels America

Senior Centers

Earl Jarvis Senior Center
699 Stratton Street
Logan, WV 25601

Tracy Vickers
68 Boise Street
Chapmanville, WV 25508

Chapmanville Towers
3407 North Main Street
Chapmanville, WV 25508

Senior Programs Counties Served